Landing Pages

Capture leads effortlessly with our visually engaging pages,
expertly designed to attract and convert customers

Whether you're aiming to boost product sales or increase service sign-ups, our highly converted Landing Pages are built to captivate your prospects and compel them to take that desired action.

DigiRex: DigiRex: iPhone Empty Mockup

High-converting pages with a clear focus

Pages that are designed to engage with the user and get them to perform an action.

I want one!

Why would I need a landing page?

How can we make our prospects more engaged and motivated to take action? Our answer lies in our expertly crafted Landing Pages.

Designed with precision and thought, these pages are strategically optimized to drive conversions and deliver results.

DigiRex: Landing Pages

Built with performance in-mind

The page will be beautifully designed in-house. But, at DigiRex, we go one step further. We include all the features that make our websites load as quickly as possible.

DigiRex: Targeting Landing Pages

Just some of our happy clients

DigiRex was able to help us prioritise how to develop out new site over a period and present to us options on the look and feel of the new site. It was a pleasure working with DigiRex. We are delighted with our new website and all the features supporting the various parts of our charity

Kenny Wilson
Milton Keynes Play Association

DigiRex: DigiRex Client: Arts1 School of Performance
DigiRex: DigiRex Client: Balmer Limited
DigiRex: DigiRex Client: Chef Hat Home
DigiRex: DigiRex Client: ElClan
DigiRex: DigiRex Client: Heptagon UK
DigiRex: DigiRex Client: PharmAffinity
DigiRex: DigiRex Client: PuppyPaws Boutique
DigiRex: DigiRex Client: Smart Office Services
DigiRex: DigiRex Client: RJW Bakers

Our latest works

Bespoke system

A brand new community forum for the pharmaceutical industry

Brochure website

Military based fitness bootcamps

Brochure website

Streaming school theatre productions

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